Friday, February 18, 2011

Here we go

So I have no idea were to start.  Should I began with a hello, or a funny little joke?  Maybe an introduction to who I am would be more appropriate.  But non of that really sounds right.  So I have ended up just hitting the backspace button over and over again trying to come up with a killer beginning to this blog.  When I decided to write this blog I told myself I was going to be super honest.  I mean all my feelings will go out on to the blog and I was going to talk about what is really going on in my head.  Not sure why anyone would want to read that, but I am doing it for more for myself then anyone.   It going to be a kind of therapy for me.  To vent, laugh, or simple just to talk about the most random things in the world.   And who knows maybe it will make someone laugh out there in this big wide world.

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