Saturday, February 19, 2011

It could happen

So I was planning on only writing a post about once a week, but honestly I could not wait that long to write again.  So all day I was looking forward to posting and I was thinking about what I would write.  My day was not really that exciting.  It was spent getting chores and other tasks done.  Like laundry, cleaning the bathroom, tiding up my room, things of that nature.  But one funny little thing did happen that really made me spot and laugh. 

And that little thing was Yoga.  Yes yoga, let me explain.  See i was diagnosed with Lupus in August and sense then I have been doing research on how to take care of myself and ways to keep my Lupus from acting up.  And one thing that I have read over and over again in article after article is that physical fitness is a big part of that. That means I had to find some sort of exercise that would be good for me, but not hard on my joints.   the answer was Yoga.  So today was to be my first yoga class.  I was to get up about about nine o clock, put on  my work out clothes and head to the gym.   But unfortunately things that involve me doing any thing athletic are not that easy for me.  If you were one of my classmates, that went to PE with me, you would be nodding your head in agreement and crying your eyes out with laughter. Just remembering that time I  tyred to catch a ball and it landing in my face.  See, God has blessed me with a very artistic side.  I love drawing, painting, acting and writing.  But when it came to my athletic ability's God decided that it would be funny to not give me any.  I think it makes him laugh to watch me try and play volleyball.  I know my friends love watching me try :)

Any how, so the idea of going to this yoga class really had me nerves.  And I keep having this vision  play itself over and over in my mind.  I could see myself walking in to the room and finding a back corner some were and laying out my little yoga mat.  I would be surrounded by little old lady's who have just gotten hip replacements and hippies trying to become one with the universe.  Then the instructor would come skipping into the room and she would begin the lesion with breathing exercise.  I would do fine with those, but I would start having trouble when she decides to have us all do some stupid pose that involved putting your left leg around your neck or standing on your head.  I could then see myself looking  around the room and seeing every little old lady attempting this feet and seceding.  Now I am 18 and could not let those old lady's out do  me so I to would try to do the pose as well. Only I would either end out pulling something or getting stuck.  My day would end with me being rushed to the hospital and having four doctors trying to get my left foot  out from behind my neck, and I could see all those little old lady's laughing at me.  You probable think I am exaggerating but the truth is I am not, something like this would really happen to me.

So I chickened out and ended up just walking around the neighborhood with my lovely little Lucy( she is my dog) and she won't laugh at me if I trip while I am walking.  lol. But don;t worry I plan to try to go to yoga next Saturday so if there is no post that day it was probably because i was stuck in some weird position and unable to type.  Well with that story told I think I should probably hit the hay and get some shut eye. s

Signing off
Blinking Light Bulb

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