Monday, February 21, 2011


So i am writing again even though I have written twice this week already.  I guess I just enjoy this blog to much.  It probable is not a good sign when writing on a blog is what you look forward to all day. That probable is a clue that I should get a life. Haha Any how, so here I am sitting in my room trying to decide were to begin this blog.  I guess the best place to start would be my lovely morning that I woke up to.

See my plan was to wake up at 5 so that I could study for a history test that I would have earlier that day. So the night before I went to bed I  put the music on that I wanted to wake up to and had made sure that time was set to 5 am and had even checked to see if the volume of the clock was at the right place.  But I think we all now what happen.  Yep, that's right, my alarm clock feel asleep on the freaking job.  I woke up not at 5 but at 6;30 which is thirty minuets before I have to leave the house.  So in other words, no studying got done.  But it is an amazing thing to watch how fast a person can get ready, eat breakfast, and pack a lunch when they have only a few minutes before they have to be out the door.  I was really impressed with myself.  But am still really up set at my clock were not speaking at the moment.  So because my alarm was the one to fall asleep on the job its me that has to pay for it.  I am the one that is late for school, looks like she just got hit by a truck, and does not so hot on the history test.  So thanks alarm clock, THANKS

So that alarm clock got me in to a bad mood and I had decided to talk about the things that annoyed me in my blog t night.   I was going to go on and on about how unfair the world was. But you will never guess what I did.  As I was thinking in my mind about all the things that annoyed me and how I was going to put a funny twist on them I ended up cracking my self up.  And my horrible day turned out to be one full of laughter. It started when I picked up my car pool Buddie that morning.  I really don't remember what it was we were laughing at all a remember was having a hard time driving because I was laughing so hard.  The next laughing attack I had was in my lovely chemistry class.  Now most of you are prabable thinking how in the world can chemistry be funny.  Well its not but i have some great friend s in that class and we have mastered the art of making it through  without dieing and that has lead to several fun jokes and moments of laughter.  Then came lunch.  OO lunch.  Lets see how do i tell this story.

Well I guess I should begin by telling you all that I  were braces and I hate them with every once of hatred in my body.  I mean they tear up the inside of your mouth and never say sorry.   Food gets stuck in them and they hurt. The make you look ridiculous and they are the reason your family calls you metal mouth.  And yes that last part is true.  Pity me.  Anyway, so there i was at lunch sitting at my table with my friend enjoying my lunch.  Now the lunch was going pretty good we were all laughing and joking when all of a sudden one of my rubber bands pops in my mouth as I am eating my cantaloupe.  i want to be some what polite so i was trying to find the band with out have to use my fingers. But making ridiculous faces as I am doing so.  When all of a sudden to my horror I believed that I had just swallowed my rubber band.  Any way I freeze with a look of horror on my face because it can so not be good for you to swallow one of those things. Thats when I notice all my friends a hunched over laughing because they thought it was funny to watch me freak out that i had swallowed my band..  Well to my releafe it was a false alarm I did not swallow the band, but If I had and died I am pretty sure they would have all felt bad for laughing.

The next laughing spasm was when me and a friend shared childhood memories.  Now some of those memories were so embarrassing that she has asked me not to repeat them but lets just say that I started crying I was laughing so hard and I had to slow the car down in her neighborhood so we would not die in a car accident.   I mean they were soooo funny.  Hey Buddie did you find any more snakes.... HAHAHAH I am still laughing over it.

The final laughing moment was another story.  This one takes place with me and my dog Lucy.  I try to go walk about thirty min to an hour every day so that I am some what healthy.  I usually take my dog with me so that I don't look like some crazy girl that walks around the same street by herself, and talking to herself.  I find that when i do that I scare the neighborhood children.  So I take me dog with me.  Well we were walking and I had an idea.  I was going to close my eyes and let my dog lead me that way I could see what it was like to be blind.  Now I did this for a few minutes, but then my brain started working again.  I mean lets think about this situation.  I had my eyes closed and was letting my dog who is known for flipping out when she sees squirls lead me.  She like loses it and will use all her strength to run after those guys.   So that means either one of two things will happen.  Either my dog will see the squirl and take of running.  Which will lead to my shoulder being pulled out of its socket and me getting drug with her as she runs after the little nut eater.  I would probable end up tripping and landing on my face which will give me a broken nose.  Or she will see the squirl and take of running which will cause me to let go of the leash.  I would then have to run after her calling her name over and over again trying to gain control.  I would not succeed and I would end up tripping ove rmy own feet and falling on my face and breaking my nose.  So either way I would end up with a broken nose.  With all this going through my brain I quickly opened my eyes and not a moment to  soon because guess what ran by.  Yep a squirl.  We ended up seeing three squirls on our walk today.

The first one I was ready for and nothing much happened.  The second one I lost the leash and had to chase after her.  And the third one well turned my dog in to a half white and half black mix.  See I pulled hard on the leash as she was jumping across a ditch and it caused her to land in a the ditch which made her back side covered in mud.  So now I have a mix bread of a dog. Front side white, back side black. It was a very exiting walk.

Well that was my day.  Its crazy how your day can either be good or bad it all just depends on how you look at things.  And it I am thankful for one thing to day I would have to be laughter.  thanks Lord for making Laughter.  Because It really made my day :)

Signing off
Blinking Light Bulb

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