Monday, February 28, 2011

Yoga.. again

Ok so have tried to type this newest post like five times but I either keep being called away of find that I just am not in the mood to write.  But at the moment I am in the zone and the words are ready to flow.  That was cheesy sorry.  It has been awhile sense my last post which was Thursday I believe.  So I have allot of thing to write about so this may be a pretty long post.  And if you don't like it well then you don't have to read it. But I know that you all do because what I have to say is super important and your lives would not be complete with out it. :)

Well, have been trying to decide were  began this post and I think I should start with the story that everyone wants to here and that is how my Yoga class went on Saturday.  Well you will all be glad to here that I did not get stuck in a pose or have to be rushed to a hospital but my pride level was brought way down.  But I am getting a head of myself.  Best to start at the beginning.

I woke up at nine o clock on a Saturday morning which is a miracle for me.  The only things that gets me up that early on a Saturday are one of three things. Either that the house is on fire or I have work or we have donuts for breakfast.  I love those little pieces of fat and I think they love me to because they will stick to my hips and never leave until I run like 400 miles.  Anyway, so I had gotten up early so that I would be ready to leave the house at ten and would not be late for my class.  Now I was not planning on going to yoga on my own.  See my mother was going to go with me, but about ten min before I left she asks if I would be ok if she baled.  Know I thought that would be fine because I was planning on meeting up with a friend who was going to go with me so that I would not feel completely stupid and that way I would have someone to laugh with.  So I said that was fine and I headed to my car, which by the way is father then i had gotten last Saturday so I was making progress. I then drove the two minutes to the YMCA and parked.   I then head in to the building.  I was a little bit early so I decided to run on  the treadmil for a little while before class started.  I figured that would be better plan then sitting in a room all by myself, waiting.  So that is what I did for the time being.  So as I was walking on the treadmill I saw several little old lady come in and head to the room with there yoga mats.  Now at this point it was evident that my friend would not be coming, she did say there was a chance that she would not show so I was going to have to conqueror my fear by myself.  Now i will admit the idea to stay on the treadmill and not go to yoga crossed my mind but I was not about to let my fear win, not this Saturday.  So I gave myself a quick pep talk, jumped off the treadmill and with my head held high I entered the yoga class.  Well as I entered throught the door my courage fled.  Why you ask? Well for several reasons.  First because there were a total of eight lady's in the room and all were older then 56. Except for one girl who was about 27. Yep I was the youngest.  The second was because the whole room was covered in mirrors.  Great I thought to myself now i can see every angle of myself as i try to preform the pose. It must be my lucky day. ( I was being a sarcastic)  So I quickly grabbed a mat and headed to the far corner in the back and tried not to make eye contact with any of the old lady's. Because it was only a matter of time before they all new I was there and would try to help me get unstuck.

Any how I then laid out my mat and took my shoes off. It was at that moment that I decided to check out the competition in the room.  the girl who was 27 was in front of me and she totally looked like the new ages type.  She wore leggings and a tank that were earthy colors and had a flower tattoo on her big toe.  To my right was a little old lady who wore scrubs and a big baggy T shirt.  I latter learned that she was the best in the class and would show off by preforming freaky and inhuman moves.  There were others in the class but those were the two next to me.   Then the class began, now I have to say that those little old lady totaly ran circle around me.  We had to do certain posses that nearly killed me. i have never had a teacher or in this case a yoga teacher look at me with eyes full of pity.  I would see her looking at me and then see would give me a smile that said you   poor, poor dear.  But about half way through I fond that I was enjoying myself.  It is quite relaxing and I found myself praying and talking to God.  I have to admit the idea for running out the door was tempting exspecaly during the down word dog pose.  So I ended up trying to focus on other things.  But then my mind wondered to the mat I was using and that just grossed me out.  I mean this was a mat that other sweaty lady's had used and they were all barefoot.  Ya so I almost pucked when I thought for that so I decidedd to just focus on the breathing but that almost made me pass out.  I mean I really got light headed.  anyway what I am trying to say was that It was a pretty long hour, but I still pain on going next Saturday, because my new dream in life is to someday do better than that little old lady so that I can look her straight in the eyes and yell HA I win grandma! at the end of  the class I quickly put on my shoes and headed home.  Proud that I went and laughing at what those ladys would be thinking of me.

The rest of the week was not nearly as intoresting.  Sunday I went and had lunch with two friends and went goodwilling for costumes for the play in fine arts.  Then today could have been better.  I was grumpy because I was not feeling great and was having a pity party for myself.  But I had several friends who tried to brighten my day by either letting me use there pretty pen or making me a braclet.  I find that love is shown the best through the little things like those.  Thanks guys and sorry I was suck a crab today.  But I have to say that the thing that really put me in check was the story about the little 11 year old girl that has hair all over her body.  See with lupus I tend to have allot of hair loss so my hair looks bad, but I guess I would rather that then being like the 11 year old.  So will stop complaining and be thatnkful.  well i think that is all I am going to say   to night because I need to do my homework yet. 

Signing off
Blinking Light Bulb

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