Saturday, March 5, 2011

Are my lights dimming?

So I am board out of my mind right now.  At this very moment, I am sitting in computer class with nothing to do.  See I take a virtual school and that allows me to do my work at my own pace, so I have gotten everything done and now I need to fill my time.  So I decided to blog.  I feel kind of daring right now because I am doing it during class, I  am such a rebel. Ok so maybe that's not that rebellious but whatever.

It has been a few days since I last blogged so I will splitting this blog up into days.  First day was Monday, and that was the day that I finished my  CSI training and did my first covert operation.  It was pretty intense but it all ended well. Unfortunately, that's all the information that I can give. If I was to give you any more information then that I would have to kill you.

The second day was Tuesday and it was a little more normal then Monday but just as exciting.  I went to school and not much happened there. School was school.  But my day really picked up when I got to go to the eye doctor.  Ok so I am going to take a few minutes to talk about the eye doc.  It is one of the most uncomfortable doctor to go to.  Why? Well, because It is the only doctor that stairs you directly in the eyes .  And it is never for just a few seconds It always feels like for ever.  Like the guy can't get enough of looking in your eye balls.   Every time he does it I always think of the quote the "eyes are windows to the soul."  I mean when ever he looks me in the eye I feel like he is see straight into my soul.  It makes me nervous.  O and lets talk about the fact that eye doctors do not understand personal space I mean there always way to close to your face.   If my eye doctor was hot, I could lean forward and give him a kiss, but he is not, which is just my luck.  So kissing him would be revolting and would cause me to puck.  Anyway, so this doctor makes me nervous which means I do my nervous laugh.  I am sure you all know what I mean.  Its the laugh you do when someone says something and you laugh and smile, but in your head your thinking "What or that was a dumb joke", but your to nervous not to laugh.   And you end up leaving that situation with the people think that you are just the happiest person because you were laughing and smiling the whole time, but in reality you were think about how dumb or awkward that person was and were wishing the whole time that it was time to leave.  Well that is how my eye doctor always goes.  That particular  appointment I had to get these drops in my eye which cause my eyes to be sensitive to light, so I had to sit 20 min in a dark room by myself.  It was loads of fun.  And towards the end I really thought he forgot me in there, which made me wonder if he had ever done that? Once the doc was over with I headed to  get my hair done.  Now that went well, and my hair is very short right now.  but I like it.  Now I know most girls like getting there hair cut, but I hate it.  Not sure why.  I mean I love my hair after it is cut but i hate getting it done.  I think it because I don't know the person who could totally hack my hair to pieces if they wished to.  Or could totally make me the person who wears a paper bag to school.  But it turned out alright, so no worries.  then that evening my grandparent flew in from Nebraska and are planning on staying tell Monday.

The next day was Wednesday.  I was sent to a place by the government to try and talk them out of a war between us and them.( can't tell you the place)  At first it did not go well, and I thought I was going to have to kill them all, but I eventually won them over when I told them that the government would send then over 700 pounds of snicker bars.  they could not say no to that.. 

Then came Thursday which was the day of our fine arts field trip.  Now I love field trips but this trip was interesting. It began with the beloved bus ride.  We  loaded up in that yellow prison transportation vertical and were waiting to get going but first came  the lecture.  If you were ever in high school then you now what I am talking about.  It is the talk that your teacher or who ever is going to lead the trip gives so that your scared out of your mind to do anything bad, like breathing.  Once that lecture was given and we had all changed our pants, we headed out. The plan was to go see a play of Beauty and the Beast at a local college.  Now if I was writing a play review I would have to say that it, well sucked.  I mean it was bad really really bad.  The whole play was preformed by a totally of six actors who played all the parts and  made there own songs.  Now about half we through the play I took a moment to stop and look at my class mates around me .  Half of them were asleep or had there head in there the other half was mocking or making fun of the play even my disciplinarian who had come on the trip was fast a sleep.  Once the play was over we all stood up and gave them a standing ovation.  Why? because it was finally over and we were all about to die.  It was a funny sight to see about 50 or so, teenagers run for the door.  We then headed to the mall were we were going to get lunch at the food court.  When everyone was done we were able to rome the mall.  Me and some friends found a bench and people watched the people go by.  I think the favorite person I sew was a little Spanish lady who was tacking out the trash.  She stopped in the middle of her job and pulled out a sucker.  She then sat there looking at all the people sucking on her sucker.  For like twenty min, she was a hoot.She was more interesting then the play was.  the rest of the day was us coming home and then me helping get ready for the the art show that would be that night.  Which by the way went well and was pretty fun.  We had a bunch of people show up and a great  table of food.  Over half the people sold paintings too, so allot of money was made.  Thanks everybody who came.
Friday which was when I started this blog, but the bell rang and i had to finish up now.  The biggest story that happened on Friday starts like this.  The bell finally rang at 3:10 and me and Bethany( who is my car pool Buddie) head to the car very excited because it was the last day of school for nine days.  Got to love Marti Gras break.  Any way we had to run to my car because it was poring down ran.  We quickly climbed in too the car and I put the key in the ignition, but nothing happened.  Because this little lady forgot to turn off her lights off so they were on all day and my battery was now dead.  Just my luck right.  I would have normally had called my dad but it just so happens that my parents were out of town that day.  so there I was stuck in my car in the back parking lot of the school with pouring rain and me hitting my head on the steering wheel out of frustration.  I ended up having to go to the office of the school and ended up having to find someone with jumper cables to come jump start my car.  The gentleman  that helped me with my car told me i needed to watch my light and if they started to dime then I needed to pull over and call someone.  So the hole way home i was looking at my lights and asking Bethany if she thought my lights were dimming.   So they were we were in rain, driving slow, and ever ten seconds I was freaking out trying to see my lights.  Bethany was sure I had lost it.  Her response was Tabi I think the light in your head has gone off.

Well that was my week and it was a pretty great one.  But next week should be much better, because there is no school.  And life is just better when there is no school.  And when you don't leave the lights on in your car.

Signing Off
Blinking Light Bulb


Anonymous said...

this is your CIA contact and there is worry in the department heads that you have been turned to the CSI. Please contact immediately

Tabiann93 said...

CIA you have nothing to worry about but I will see you in a few days and you can test my loyalty then