Saturday, March 19, 2011

The Lunch Box

O goodness, I have not written in more than two weeks. And i am not sure what to write, simply because I have so much to choose from.  There are several reason that i have not blogged in so long.  The first is that last week was super busy with Mardi Gras break.  So we had all kinds of family down, friends over, and and I had to work and earn the green stuff. Which is money by the way.  And because I was so busy I put blogging off, and that was not a good idea because then it got overwhelming and now I have not blogged in two weeks. The second is that when I first began my blogs I made a promise to be as truthful and real as possible, but I also told myself that I could not write my blog if I was mad or upset.  I would not want to post something that I would regret saying latter.  Which is a big reason that I have not blogged in forever.

Now none of you need to worry, me being upset was simple me pouting and feeling sorry for myself.  Which we all tend to have days like that, so nobody judge. I have learned that the key to over coming days like those, are to have them and then move on, wwhich finally today I have been able to do.  Thanks to Leah love ya girl.

So here I am sitting in a house that is empty and blogging.  I love love love love love love love love love time 300000, when I get the house to myself.  One word comes to mind PARTY !!! Kiiiiiiiidding, I am way to scared of my parents to throw a pary with out there permition and I really don't know enough people to have a party.  You can call me a geek, but... Ok ya I am geek. Anyhow, I really do like having the house to myself, there is a seance of freedom that comes with it.  I can watch, what I want to watch, eat what I want to eat, or talk to myself as loud as I want to because there is nobody around.  OO life is good. but unfortunately this day of being home alone was spent risking my life by cleaning out my lunch boxes and yes i said lunch boxes.

Let me explain,  see I like school, sometimes it can be a pain in the butt but ,all in all, I enjoy it.  I like the teachers who are not trying to destroy my life and most of my class mates who are not involved with immature drama, and learning thing about life and other pointless subjects.  It is a great way to spend 14 years of my life. :) But the thing about school that I am going to focus on is the the dreaded lunch box.  Now this has not been an enemy of mine for along time.  My mother was kind enough not to expose me to the trauma that the box can inflict.  She wanted me to be older be for I had to deal with that.  So she always packed the lunch box, but not this year.  This year was my turn.  See my school lunches are crap, I mean if your suicidal then there great ,but I would like to live, so I pack a lunch everyday.  Now I do have to get up every morning ten minutes earlyer and I do have to scavenge the pantry for food to but in the box, but the worst part of packing lunches is the unpacking.  Or I'm my cases the not unpacking.  I think we all now were this is going.

See I have a very bad habit of forget to unpack the lunch box.   But I have learned that there are many people who struggle with this and are looking for help so I am here.  I have come to lend my expertise in over coming the unpacked lunch box. Which I will break up into several steps

Step one:  Picking the right time to unpack the Box.  See if you are anything like me than this is how it goes down.  I tend to throw my box into my room after school and it sits there for several days.  I then will trip over it and then remember that it is there.  I then wait for my mother not to be in the house because I really don't want her to know that my lunch has been sitting in my room for several days.  But then if your like me you forget again.  Now here is some advice that I pray you take. do not, I repeat ,do not let your box sit there for three months.  Yes I have done it and I assure you it will not be a pleasant sight. Also the day you empty the box should be on trash day so that you can get ride of the trash before your mother sees it.  I also suggest not eating any time before the task.

Step two: Admitting that the box needs to be cleaned and bringing it to the box to the kitchen and remember this is a time when your mother is not around.  Now if your box has not been cleaned for more than a month I suggest throwing the whole thing in the outside trash. Not the kitchen trash because your mom will see it and  ask about it and then your done for. But if you can not through it away then the you need to start the pep talk.  Which brings us to step three

Step three: Stare down.  This is the time that I stare at the box wishing with all my might that it would just disappear or that I had not waited so long.  This is also the time that you prepare for what is in the box.  I like to do a little dance and do my gaging because once that box is open there will be no time for gaging or throwing up so get that all out of the way now.   This is also the time to talk smack to the box, tell it how you feel an how you will win this match.  How that box is going down.  Then boost your self up, tell your self that you got this and once you have given your self the courage and confidence it will time to dive in.

Step four: Now this is the hardest step which is the cleaning.  Now once that boxes comes open all that courage and confidence will run out the door and you will want to do the same.  My best advice is.. hold breath and do not think.  Throw away what you can, rinse the box, rinse the containers.  I made the mistake of thoroughgoing the containers away and my mother found them and made me go get them out of the trash and clean them out.  So just do the container cleaning right  away and get it done with.  About half way through this step leave the kitchen and breath again.  Then run back into the kuchen and finish.

Step five: Once the box has been empty and wiped down you must began the the cleaning up part.  But first start breathing and let the dizziness past.  Understand that the dizzy feeling is normal and happens to us all.Then it is time to take out the trash and wash the kitchen sink. Also I suggest spraying lots and I mean lots of frebeeze.  Then look at that box and say I have defeated you.  Then go throw up in the bathroom, but feel good because you got through it.

If a person follows these step then they should be able to have a peaceful; relationship thim there Lunch Box.  Remember you are the boss not the box.  You will win not it. Well that's it for now so...

Signing off
Blinking Light Bulb

1 comment:

Callie said...

Haha, I love it!! Sadly, it's too true. I, too, have dealt with the box. We should start a support group! Luckily, I have the period right before lunch off now so I get to go home and eat at my house.