Wednesday, April 6, 2011


The definition of detention is the action of detaining someone or the state of being detained in official custody.  It is the curse that has plagued human kind since the cave man days.  I mean my generation has had to have it, my parents and grandparents had it, Napoleon had it on the small island of Elba, and it even goes as far back as the bible times.  I mean think of all the people who were thrown in to prison or aka detention.  If you ask anyone and they could tell you what detention was and a story of them experiencing it.  I mean if you were to ask a six year old they could give a definition.  That’s just not right people, it just not right.  Now your probably wondering why in the world I am going on like this, well i got a detention this week for the first time in my life.
I remember as a child watching TV shows or movies of people getting detentions and thinking it would be so much fun to be in detention.  I mean they made it look cool to get a detention and made it look like it was a great opportunity.  I mean people in the movies have one of three things happen to them while there in detention.  They either falls in love, meet there best friend, or have some amazing adventure that changes there life.  But I have learned that Hollywood is trying to deceive us, detention is not a good thing it is simply a big giant pain in the butt. 
Now the reason I got detention was because I was vandalizing the school.  I had taken spray paint and covered the hole left side of the school building late at night.  I also broke several windows with giant rocks and was planning on setting something on fire.  Unforchently the cameras caught me and i got stuck in detention. Just Joking I got a detention for wearing a sweatshirt that was not school approved.  Boring but true.  Anyway, this meant that I was going to have to wake up at 5:30 so that I could be at school by seven.  So that’s how my morning went and all was fine except one little fact I was late.  Now here is some advice do not ever be late for detention it just gets you into more trouble.  I mean I was speeding all the way to school; I ran to the building and thought to myself I made it just in time.  Boy was I wrong, he gave me one look and said" Your late come again on Friday morning because this does not count" if he had not been huge and scary I would have hit him.  And it was probably a good thing because I am pretty sure I would have gotten more than a detention if I had. Anyway, I was not a happy camper so I stormed out of the school, and headed back to my car muttering under my breath the whole way.  Now I know that this is life, but I will and met I was not taking it well.  I then ran in to one of my teachers, who praise be to God was on my side, because she went into his office and totally got me some grace.  Now it just so happens that this is not one of my favorite teachers, but as of today i love her.  Anyway so my new detention plan was that I had to go eat in his office and then go pick up trash in the lunch area.  Which would have been fine but my friends keep pointing out piece of trash and making fun of me.  And one friend told me that i had made her day.  So all in all I think it is time I get new friends, because my old ones took way to much joy out of watching me suffer.

Well now that detention is over and my goal for never getting a detention in my life now ruined I have to say I was disappointed.  For three reasons I did not get an exciting adventure, or find a best friend, or fall in love.  All I got was laughed at thanks people, thanks. 

So I want to give a small blurb of what I will be writing about Sunday which will be my Prom. So tune in then for that story.

Signing Off
Blinking Light Bulb

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