Sunday, June 5, 2011

Why yes, I have superpowers..... Don't you?

Superpowers have been an idea that has fascinated mankind for as long as we can remember.  I mean every child has gone through the super hero stage at one point in his or her life.  You know what I am talking about the stage when you grab that bathroom towel off the hook, and pin it around your neck with a clothes pin, you then proceed to find a pair of underwear that you were on the outside of your pants.  The final touch is to find a mask to hide your secret identity.  And if anyone asks what your name is you tell them that you’re the Fantastic T or whatever name it was that you came up with. Yes, we have all been there, but unfortunately life causes us to grow out of that stage. And eventually that costume gets put away.
Today my brothers found the old x men cartoons online.   When I was little those cartoons were my favorite.  I had the names memorized and knew all the stories and in the playroom I became one of them.  I remember one Christmas, at a family reunion, I found out that my cousins also had a great love for the x men evolution team, and we spent every minute watching the shows and playing superhero.  Today, as I watched these cartoons, memories came flooding back, and it made me laugh to remember the bad guys that we fought with our inhuman powers.  But like I said before, life tends to grow you up in a way were you can no long pretend to be a superhero.  Well most grow out of it :) 
Now you don't need to worry I don't were the towel and underwear costume anymore, but my dad does. And that’s a scary sight. Jk hahaha But seriously I still find myself wishing for those superpowers.  For instance, I have wished to simple vanish from people or life with the superpower invisibility.  Then when drama comes or I long to understand what is going on the desire to read minds comes along.  Flying is another power I wish I had especially when I want to escape life for a while.  I also thought it would be super cool to be able to transform into whatever I wanted. I could pull so many cool jokes with that.  List goes on and on, I'm always wishing for some sort of power or crazy ability, especially when I am feeling helpless or hopeless.
I think we all tend to be that way, always wishing for a little more power to get through whatever it is that were facing, because if we had inhuman power we could do those inhuman things.  We could be heroes and is that not something we all desire.
I remember asking God why he did not give us humans superpowers or maybe he did and there all just in hiding, but as I got to thinking about it, I had to smile, because even if we did have superpowers we would still us the excuse of not being powerful enough when it came time to face that impossible thing.  Or life would be insane because we would all have too much power for us to handle.  I mean Spiderman said it best when he gave us the quote" with great power comes great responsibility" I am pretty sure there would be a bunch of people who would not be responsible with their powers.  But then I went a little deeper, who says that God has not given us superpowers.  Maybe we do, I mean God is the most powerful being there is and he is our father so maybe because of him we can pull off some pretty inhuman moves.  I mean most Christians would say that if one allows God to work through them then miracles can happen that crazy dreams can come true.  To be honest I am still learning if I believe this or not.  But one thing is for sure and that is every superhero has to practice and work at his power.  And every superhero has to lose battles before he can win them. It is not any different from us.
Wow I just took a fun subject and made it really serious lol.  Guess it just been something on my mind lately.  I mean learning that I can shoot fire form my hands has been a hard thing for me to grasp.  But now that I have joined a group of others like me I feel I too can become a hero. 

Ps.  Watch for the Fantastic T because she might show up on TV while being a hero.
Pss.  Fantastic T is also me for anyone out there that might be a little slow :)

Signing off
Blinking Light Bulb

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