Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Makeing mud pies in parole

So here I am sitting at the kitchen table with all the windows wide open and the doors propped ajar so that I can hear the beautiful symphony of the storm playing outside.  I love it when it rains not sure what it is but I really love the rain, in fact whenever it rains I have a good day which is weird because most people view the rain as a gloomy thing.  I remember as a kid being told that thunder was God rearranging the furniture and the rain is because he forgot to turn off the sprinkler.  I remember playing in the rain in my purple rain coat and pooh bear umbrella, splashing around in puddles.  We even have a home video of my parents catching me making mud pies in the flower bed which I was not to be doing. Lol My response to being caught was that I was making a pie for my husband. Lol I was such a cute kid. Cute as a button, I was.   
                I wish I could make mud pies now, but life has been rather busy in fact a little to busy to have time for mud pies.  In fact that is one reason I have not bothered to blog just have not had time, but several people have brought to my attention that they were waiting for the next blog. So tonight I have made time, I threw out what was not important like homework, and instead made blogging my priority.  So if I get bad grades I am blaming all those who asked me to blog.
                So the topic of this blog is going to be about the biggest lie I have ever been told.  O ya it was a doosys and I fell for it like a mouse goes for cheese, or like a hawk for a mouse or like my brother for cheese.  In fact it was a lie that every senior in my class fell for, It was that senior year is the easiest year, happiest year, and favorites year of our high school career.  Whoever told that lie to us should be tied up, beaten, and then locked in a basement somewhere in… no wait they should be tied up, beaten, and then thrown in the Atlantic ocean where they are eaten by….nooo wait now I have got it they should be tied up , beat, thrown in a basement that’s filled with water, where sharks will eat them and jellyfish will sting them . OOOK kk so that a bit over the top but it the truth I was not prepared for all the responsibility, worry, stress, and other complication that come with parole.
                O I bet I just lost you all there, let me explain why I have been calling senior year parole year.  See high school is like prison, you don’t have to worry about were your food comes from and you don’t have to worry about money because you don’t have to pay bills.  Your protected from the outside world and really have no idea what reality or the real world is like cause you have lived so long in those cement walls.  Cops are like teacher and teachers are like cops they keep you in line and try to influence the way you think or how you make decisions. You live the same routine over and over again and all your decisions are made for you.  the only worry you really have is your statue amongst the other inmates. I mean your goal is not to get shanked the back or punched in face.  Yep prison and high school are not that far apart, but then comes senior year.  The year before you truly become free, now you have a bit more freedom and in only a matter of time you will be completely free.  Now you have to worry about money cause our going to have bills and provide your own food, the outside world becomes very real, and you went from making no decisions to making life changing ones.  You no longer really care about those other inmates and what they think because your hope is in the freedom in the future.  You will either make it in society or be the person you want to be or there is the chance you end up in a real prison.  Hopeful that won’t happen to anyone.  My point is that senior year is the last step in childhood the moment that bar door flies open we take off and began the walk of adult hood.  No wonder we stress.
In fact stress is something that seems to be my companion these days.  The truth Is i find I have to make myself stop and go make mud pies.  See this year is our last year of childhood we better live it up.  So as much stress and decisions and responsibility’s we have, we can’t let this year go by without having fun.  So go make those mud pie or go to that football game or dance in your in your room like an idiot or prank someone or whatever it is.  Just remember to laugh and breath or that’s what I am trying to do this senior year.  Cause like that lie said this is the best year of our high school career and I still believe that part.
Signing Off
Blinking Lightbulb

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